2021/05/15 21:57


1938年に制作された唯一無二のデザインChaine d’ancre”。その後も少しづつ変化を重ね、磁気やネクタイ、腕時計でも存在感を放っていった。馬具から始まったエルメスのエスプリは、これをいっそうみずみずしく変わっていった。


あなたの母、祖母、曽祖母の時代にデザインされたジュエリーを手にした時、どんな感情が湧いてくるか。もちろん、その感情はこれからの未来にも繋がっていく。ぜひヴィンテージの“Chaine d’ancre”を手にとって、受け継がれてきた時間を感じて欲しい。

ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーOne day on vacation, Hermès' fourth generation Robert Dumas was watching a ship moored in a small port in Brutagne.

Suddenly, I noticed the chain of anchors at the end of my eyes. Looking at the intertwined anchors, an image swelled in my head. It is a figure in which the chain becomes a bracelet and is wrapped around a woman's arm. A simple yet impressive design that you will never forget once you see it was born from such a moment.

The one and only design "Chaine d'ancre" produced in 1938. After that, it changed little by little, and it had a strong presence in magnetism, ties, and wristwatches. Hermès's spirit, which started with harnesses, changed this even more freshly.
Designs devised many years before Dior, Prada and Saint Laurent, founded in 1946, are still on the cutting edge.
What emotions do you get when you pick up a designed piece of jewelry in the days of your mother, grandmother, or great-grandmother?Of course, that feeling will lead to the future. Please pick up the vintage "Chaine d'ancre" and feel the time that has been passed down.


休假的一天,爱马仕的第四代罗伯特·杜马斯(Robert Dumas)正在观看停泊在布鲁塔涅(Brutagne)一个小港口的一艘船。突然,我注意到了我眼尾的锚链。 看着交织在一起的锚,脑海中浮现出一个画面。这是一个链条变成手镯并缠绕在女人手臂上的人物。
1938 年生产的唯一一款设计“Chaine d'ancre”。之后,它一点一点地改变,在磁力、领带和手表中都有很强的存在感。爱马仕从马具开始的精神,更新鲜地改变了这一点。
在 Dior、Prada 和 Saint Laurent(成立于 1946 年)之前多年设计的设计仍然处于前沿。
当你拿起一件在你母亲、祖母或曾祖母时代设计的珠宝时,你会有什么情绪?当然,这种感觉会导致未来。请拿起复古的“Chaine d'ancre”,感受流传下来的时光。

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